With George Elmer


Picking apart popular history to determine what really happened, one story at a time.

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The Story Behind Deconstructed History.

History lessons always vary in their engagement depending on who’s actually teaching them.
I’ve had teachers who sat us down to answer questions out of textbooks and wonder why we preferred to throw pencils across the room rather than focus on reading about why King John didn’t want to sign the Magna Carta. I’ve also had teachers play us “Sister Suffragette” from Disney’s Mary Poppins or the music video from Adam and the Ant’s Stand and Deliver far too many times and have us sing along.
These lessons are memorable in their own ways, but in every history class I can remember, the content was always clean. Even when it came to Victorian child labour. Especially regarding the slave trade. History shouldn’t be left to the bare statistics or just the important battles written by the victors.

Host Gee brings you the nitty and downright gritty truth of the long-distant past.

We’re diving into a topic I think the Tudors largely overshadow, vilify, or ignore. And no-one really talks about George Boleyn.

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Meet Your Host

George Elmer describes themself as an encyclopaedia of random trivia, since they’re always sharing their latest find in a variety of historical subjects with others. They’re the founder of the Deconstructed History podcast, a dedicated debater of society, and an enthusiastic educator of everything history. With a joint degree in psychology and criminology, they’re a secret medievalist turned podcaster with a penchant for gothic jewellery. At the core of their being, there’re obsessed with creativity, mythology keeps them up at night, and they’re a science nerd. George is also crazy about his personal library, they wish they could get paid to research medieval history, and they really enjoy Mediterranean cuisine.

hello there.

I’m George Elmer

I Ramble About:

Everything I talk about, I can sum up into three categories.

Classical Ancient History

There are five thousand years between prehistory and the fall of the Roman Empire. Explore the topic →

Miscellaneous Middle Ages

After the Romans, there were a thousand years of history influenced by the Victorians. Explore the topic →

Ghosts and Legends

I love the things on the edge of our awareness we think might be real after all. Explore the topic →

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