
Hi there! I’m George, a hobbyist historian, and part-time podcaster.

Enneagram 4 wing 5 as they come … I live for coffee, am always carrying a notebook, and always have some sort of background music going on.

The story behind the Deconstructed History podcast.

History lessons always vary in their engagement depending on who’s actually teaching them.

I’ve had teachers who sat us down to answer questions out of textbooks and wonder why we preferred to throw pencils across the room rather than focus on reading about why King John didn’t want to sign the Magna Carta. I’ve also had teachers play us “Sister Suffragette” from Disney’s Mary Poppins or the music video from Adam and the Ant’s Stand and Deliver far too many times and have us sing along.

These lessons are memorable in their own ways, but in every history class I can remember, the content was always clean. Even with Victorian child labour. Especially regarding the slave trade. History shouldn’t be left to the bare statistics or just the important battles written by the victors.

Nobody loves a sore winner.

I have a score to settle with the history books. And I’m leaving the intestines inside the corpses.


Why the Deconstructed History Podcast?

If we’re to learn from the mistakes of the great kings and queens of times gone by, why don’t we learn about those mistakes? Why should we only learn from one side of every story when we want to learn the truth?

So here I am, questioning the conventional with a podcast dedicated to what I wanted to learn about that wasn’t on the school’s curriculum. I have a joint degree in psychology and criminology, which means I know how to argue well.

No subject should be banned because it’s controversial. There are only age-appropriate ways of explaining why that is.

If you’re ready to delve into what the history books leave out, grab your favourite drink and tune in. The past might be behind us, but it’s waiting for you in the future.

my really official bio, the tl:dr version

George Elmer is a hobbyist historian with the mission of correcting the wrongs of historical inaccuracy in Hollywood period dramas while poking fun at society. She’s a passionate soul who has dedicated herself to learning everything she can about the Middle Ages.



01. I live on coffee. Seriously, I drink far too much of it. Everyone looks better with a travel mug in their hand.

02. I listen to rock music. From Metallica to Fall Out Boy. My fave song is So Much (for) Stardust.

03. I say my favorite show is Lucy Worsel Investigates, but it’s actually Interview With the Vampire. #itsalwaysthequietones

04. My go-to outfit is skinny jeans and a t-shirt. If the weather’s cold enough, I’ll add my aviator jacket with Tom Cat and RAF Duxford patches.

On My Mood Board

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